Module 9 – Integrating Technology in Young Learner Classrooms

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This module aims to discuss the integration of technology in young learner classrooms by covering the place of technology in language teaching, the relationship of young learners with technology and some sample digital applications in foreign language classrooms. Since there can be developments in technology each and every day and it is not possible to add every digital tool in the module, the digital tools presented here are representative. Thus, teachers can search and critically evaluate the digital tools as they prefer and need. Moreover, as technology integration cannot be introduced with an approach of “one size fits all”, the module aims to increase awareness of the teachers towards technology integration and encourage them for hands-on experiences with technology.

By the end of the module, the participants

  • will become aware the process of technology integration into language teaching,
  • will be aware of basic terminology used in technology integration into language teaching,
  • will become aware of the current digital tools to be used in language teaching,
  • will be able to use technology effectively to meet the needs of language learners.



Think about the following questions:

When you hear the phrase “technology integration”, do you feel comfortable? If your answer is no, what do you think the possible reasons are?

Have you ever heard the term “digital natives”?

How would you describe your relationship with technology? Are you tech-savvy or techno-phobic?

Course Features

  • Lectures 9
  • Quizzes 1
  • Duration 50 hours
  • Skill level All levels
  • Language English
  • Students 16
  • Assessments Self


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NOTE: You have to pass these courses before you can enroll this course.